By Amy Brown
October 4, 2020
Self-Care is a topic that many are buzzing about, what exactly does it mean? Self-care can be defined as taking action in our thoughts and behaviors to preserve or improve one’s overall wellbeing. There are several elements to the practice of good self-care. As individuals we have the freedom to define how we choose to be in this world in the pursuit of getting our needs met. Good self-care addresses a multitude of areas in our lives including but not limited to physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social needs. With that in mind, a one-size-fits-all approach to self-care will not create the best sustaining outcomes. I encourage clients to have a “toolbox” of written self-care options, to draw from in times of difficulty, or for preserving an optimal sense of balance in life. The importance of physical movement of our bodies cannot be emphasized enough when it comes to self-care. Moving your body to achieve self-care can be accomplished through walking, dance, yoga, Pilates, jogging, weightlifting, team athletics, bike riding, martial arts, and stretching — to name a few. The release of endorphins, those “feel good” hormones, are often the most underutilized form of self-care and a great place to start! It’s not about winning or a wrong or right way of doing it. Nor is it about the number on the scale. It is truly about shifting our focus to moving our bodies in a healthy way to manage life for a positive outcome. And, let us not forget to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate with good old H2O and eat nutrient rich foods to help further our physical self-care. Emotional and Social Self-care Emotional and social self-care addresses ways in which we are able to recharge our emotional and social batteries. For extraverts this is often accomplished through the connection with others. The key is to make those healthy connections with those who are supportive and emotionally safe. For introverts emotional self-care may include spending time alone with an activity to which one finds restorative. Implementing healthy boundaries is imperative when it comes to protecting one’s emotional health. Failure to do so, can result in our emotional batteries being depleted as well as a set up for difficult feelings. Spending time with the people who nourish your soul and enrich your life is a way to get healthy needs met. Volunteering your time for the greater good is an example of “getting up outside of yourself” to which some find rewarding and restorative. Practicing mindfulness and gratitude is another way of implementing emotional self-care. A good strategy to address this is shifting your focus from what is going wrong to what is going right. Journaling and utilizing other creative outlets can be healing and restorative for emotional wellness. Implementing a sense of organization through list making and donating items no longer in use or cleaning up clutter is a way to create a calm space which in turn may impact emotional health in a positive way. Spiritual Self-care Spiritual self-care is nourishment for one’s soul and may include leaning into the idea of a power bigger than one’s self. Through meditation or perhaps listening to music one may experience a sense of centeredness. Spending time in nature, reading a devotional, philosophy or religious reading, attending Church or other religious groups are all examples of spiritual self-care which when experienced can be transforming. Intellectual Self-care And let us not forget, intellectual self-care. The ability to enhance our overall well being through activities like learning a new hobby or a new language can provide intellectual stimulation. Reading, listening to an audio book, or having an intellectually stimulating conversation engages in this self-care process. Playing cards or working crossword puzzles count as well. Remember, self-care doesn’t just mean pampering. It is taking action in our thoughts and behaviors to preserve and improve one’s overall wellness. It doesn’t have to be boring… mix it up. Make it fun. And most importantly, find and enjoy what works best for YOU!